Sunday January 1 - Forsythia Show Off™ Starlet
Starlet is a bright ball of yellow flowers in spring. It has the same fabulous flower display you get with Show Off forsythia, but in a smaller package. This new dwarf forsythia is a mass of bright yellow spring flowers from base to tip. Height and spread will range from 24" to 36". Truly a great forsythia for areas where you don't want a large plant. Full sun is best - Hardy from zone 5 to zone 8.valentines flowers ideas 2012
Monday January 2 - Copper Delight™ Juniper
Dense, slightly mounded evergreen provides color interest year round. Attractive, light green foliage in summer transitions to coppery-bronze in fall, particularly on new tip growth. Can be used as a groundcover or for foundation plantings. Drought tolerant. Use to pollinate Blueberry Delight. Low growing, 12" to 15"high and 4' to 5' wide makes this a wonderful ground cover in full sun. Very Hardy - Zone 2 - 7,
Tuesday January 3 - Symphoricarpos First Editions® Candy Coralberry
For gardeners who are on the lookout for shrubs that provide winter interest after most flowers and leaves are gone, Snow Berries rate high on the list. Plump, candy-pink berries ripen in early fall, as the last of summers' small pink flowers swell into pearls. As the leaves fall, each arching stem is adorned with decorative berries which remain on slender branches through winter. The perfect plant for the winter garden, these compact forms are suitable for a more prominent place in the front border. Snow Berries are especially beautiful with a light dusting of snow. A compact arching plant growing 24" to 36" tall andwide -Hardy from zone 4 through zone 9.
Wednesday January 4th - Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pistachio'
A wide assortment of colors within a single Hydrangea -- meet 'Next Generation Pistachio'! An exciting new color combo for Hydrangea! This reblooming variety features beautiful flowers which make the perfect accent in the landscape or for container gardening. Thrilling combination of scarlet red tinged with green, just like the nut it is named after…tasty! valentines flowers ideas 2012!
The large 5" mophead blooms are comprised of individual double flowers and bloom from Spring til frost.The plant grows in a wide rounded shape 2-3' tall and 3-5' wide. Ideal for containers, beds, borders, and landscapes. Pistachio blooms in northern areas where many other hydrangeas typically do not perform well. More impressive is this variety's ability to rebloom and bloom on both old and new wood and Zone 5 hardiness!
Thursday January 5 - Physocarpus opulifolius 'Little Devil'
A great compact Ninebark, Little Devil™ has a dense, rounded habit and deep, wine-colored leaves that create a big impact in small spaces. In spring, clusters of small pinkish white flowers offer a bright contrast against the dark foliage. Plants grow just 3-4ft tall and wide at maturity, which make them a good choice for tucking in mixed borders and foundation plantings. A handsome little shrub for average soil and full sun. Physocarpus is a small genus (about 10 species) of shrubs in the Rose family that is gaining attention as new selections with striking foliage arrive on the market. The Spirea-like clusters of small flowers in early summer are an attractive feature as is the peeling bark that develops with age. Average, slightly acid, well-drained soil is best.
Friday January 6 - Hypericum "Lion Series"
The “Lion” series of Hypericum were developed in the Netherlands for cutting. All form a bushy, semi-evergreen mound studded shrub with small yellow flowers in early summer. These gradually develop into showy berries that are held in clusters for months on end. Excellent in cut bouquets. Beautiful autumn effect. Cut back to 8 inches in spring if desired. Hardy to zone 5, growth is 2-3' tall by 2-3' wide.
Hypericum 'Chocolate Lion'
Hypericum 'Red Lion'
Hypericum ' Sweet Lion'
Saturday January 7 - Viburnum x burkwoodii 'American Spice'
A compact selection growing 4-6" a year. Oringinal plant was 4' high and 5' wide after 14 years. Deep green, glossy foliage remains crinkled all summer long. Bloom clusters are smaller but much more profuse than the species. Coral pink buds mature to sparkling white flowers with V. carlesi fragrance. Plants in Michigan still had fall coloration on November 17th that was a kaleidoscope of orange, scarlet, yellow, and green. Zone 4 Simply put a more compact form
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